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A member registered Mar 28, 2017

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I loved this game. I feel like it was gently insightful, if that makes sense? I had to often check my own biases and immediate reactions towards certain things, like how I felt about pus or blood, which was really cool.
There was one specific interaction during Nyargh's route where the MC spoke to a child and had the option to see things from multiple points of view, and I feel like I also had to do that as a player.

I found myself starting to be fearful of what might happen, especially the vore route, but somehow every route ended up feeling safe and the fear didn't last.
Thank you so much for making this game, and especially for making it free :)

Ah, that makes sense. Thank you so much!

Thank you so much for the explanations!!

Concerning the Akio thing though, it kind of seems like the "telling off" options didn't really take into account his own potential viewpoint, so I'm just worried that choosing those options won't lead to a more positive character development for him. You probably intended this, and I only point this out because I'm wondering whether we'll be able to see characters develop without having to particularly focus on them or romance them. For example, when Robin had the option to offend Elliot and thereby have alone time with Gary at the festival, it made me wonder: will we only be able to positively impact the other characters' lives or get to know them intimately by directly romancing them? Was that what you meant by other characters having to be snubbed?

But to be honest, I'm thinking about this too much; the final game isn't even released, so I should cool it and just experience the final release XD

I appreciate the thought y'all have put into the game, and I really respect what you're doing. Thank you !!! :)

I've gone through the demo so many times. I'm astonished at how many little (and big) details come out of the woodwork the closer I look at the game. There's so much depth here; I'm so lucky to be able to play a game--a demo, I know, but still--that has this much thought in it. The characters feel so raw compared to the characters I usually encounter in otome. Even though there were definitely tropes and cliches as mentioned in the description (it's said to be a parody, after all), the characters all seemed oddly realistic because of the honest and candid ways in which they reacted to the consequences of the tropes. I was amazed at how little changes in the sprite animations completely changed the tone of the dialogue I was reading, and how I reacted to the changes in tone. It almost didn't feel like I was reading, sometimes; instead, it felt as though I were just experiencing this story firsthand, merely interjecting every once in a while--like a dream, rather than a visual novel. It was a really fascinating experience, and I'm suuuuper glad that you're making such a cool game :D But it also leads me to a question: why is Robin not re-nameable? Is she supposed to have a personality separate from the player's? It feels odd to be able to make decisions that seem to completely change the personality of the main character while her name remains pre-set.

There were a few things that bugged me, but ultimately I think my irritation was caused by my own expectations rather than the demo itself. Sometimes it seemed that the player had to be really mean to some characters in order to open additional favorable dialogues with other characters. For example, when I chose the options that caused Ava to say that Cain was really REALLY interested in Robin, those also happened to be the choices that hurt Akio the most. But maybe that's the point: I have to compromise my own values so that Robin can earn his affection... Was this a conscious design choice? If so, it makes sense, and I respect it because to be honest it's a pretty genuine representation of how some people relate to each other by being mean. However, I'm much less interested in Cain's route now. (Or maybe I'm completely overthinking this and the options I chose didn't affect the game in the way that I thought they did!)

There was also an interesting thing I noticed after I chose which character to ask out to the movies. If your affection with the character is high enough (I think... I'm going by what Ava says when Robin has the chance to ask her opinion before The Choice), then during the date, Robin doesn't actually get to choose some of the options. Instead, the otome proceeds without player input and automatically chooses the options that seem to have the better outcome. Why are the choices taken away if the player has gotten the love interest's affection high enough? Is it so that if you weren't able to get the affection high enough before the date, you have a chance to raise it? Or maybe I just messed the game up somehow... It was an interesting change, but I just felt less involved in the ensuing events as a result.

Thank you so much for releasing this demo! I really appreciate what you're doing, and I look forward to what you'll do in the future!!

When my Mac wouldn't open the file, I went into Finder and right-clicked on the application and then clicked "Show Package Contents." Usually, this works for the applications that are finicky on my Mac; however, in this case, when the Rock Robin logo displayed on my screen, I got an error message that said Renpy couldn't find _sfx.rpi and I had to close the error windows/program

Maybe try the right-clicking technique? Hopefully you won't have the same sfx issue I did...

I've messed around with Ren'Py, but never to this extent. That's an awesome explanation! Thank you! Unfortunately, when I Google how to program things, I'm often incapable of understanding the explanation :P

This game has been really inspirational to me! I had no idea something as seemingly simple as a band simulator could be so fun and moving. The characters whose routes have been released are fascinating and have honest issues and faults that make the story that much more engaging. I really appreciate the wonderful experience you've created. If you end up releasing any future updates, I would definitely be willing to pay for them!!

I'm not sure whether you've already spoken about this, but I'm curious to know how the game was made. It seems like a really complicated game to me (programming-wise), especially the tile-matching game and the "outcome screen" which pops up after the band has played a gig. However, I only know a teensy bit about programming; perhaps that's why I think it seems so complicated :P

Also, if you folks ever need any help spell-checking or editing, I'd really like to help!

Thank you so much for making this game! I love it!